A downloadable game

This would be the development page of Perland Sweethearts, an Epic Seven visual novel fan game featuring the characters of Pavel, Violet, Luluca and Cerise.

Save this game to follow for updates!

Thank you!

- Nightflame

Disclaimer that this is a Fan Game! So all characters belong to Smilegate developed by SUPERCREATIVE. This fan game is just for fun (I take no profit) because these are my favourite characters. 


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I saw your teaser post on reddit for this sim, and I wanna say that I'm really excited to see where this goes! I really like how you can get two completely different stories (from what it looks like so far) depending on picking Violet or Pavel. And the assets are super cute, I love Luluca's casual wear!

Really looking forward to the first playable version!

hello thank you for your comment and visit here! *-* i am never good at promoting my stuffs so i really appreciate it. and you're the one who made the i.khawazu sim too so ur ahead of me, so im a newb compared to you on the e7 fan game thing :"D 'll def check out your stuffs! 

yep it's gonna be a trip since these 2 (and the couples!) have different personalities. and thanks i just think of them as their *skins* and it was fun designing them!

i'll try to keep it up, i've been busy but this project is fun to do to take my mind off!